Monastery estate sale pt. 1
I usually keep my estate sale adventures close to home but every now and then a really unique experience comes up that's worth the extra mile (was I driving? No. But that's besides the point).
The Benedictine Sisters of Mount Angel is a monastery tucked away 45 minutes south of Portland Oregon and has been in operation since 1888. Due to the lack of people joining the lifestyle they're closing, with any and all items in the monastery collected for an estate sale. I have a soft spot for antique Catholic relics, and was hoping to come home with something that really you can only get from a hundred and fifty year old monastery closing but much of it sold very quickly. In the following photo you can see where we were in line in relation to the building at the time of opening.
Amid the chaos I spent most of the time taking pictures, my favorite being the nuns quarters in part 2.
I convinced someone to buy this incredible tapestry, we were both surprised no one had found it sooner.
Things like this are why I can't accept Ikea as exciting furnishings.
This is going to be one of those things that at the time I thought was too pricy but I'll be thinking about it for years to come.
Do you think the nuns knew how babygirl these office supplies in pill bottles were?
I found a basic black vintage tee (not shown), some 80s women's studies books for my antique space, and a vintage purse that is the most nun purse I've ever seen. Big enough to fit a Bible and no flashy details.